LEAP Certification

LEAP Line 916-558-5423
The Limited Examination and Appointment Program (LEAP) is an alternate examination and appointment process for the recruitment and hiring of individuals with disabilities into State service. State Departments can utilize LEAP when filling vacant positions.
See complete list of videos in the chapter viewlist on Youtube
How to Get Certified for the LEAP Program
To be certified, please take documentation of disability as well as a photo ID, to your local Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) office. Do contact your local office ahead of time to make sure that a counselor will be available to certify you when you visit.
IMPORTANT: before you visit DOR to be certified, make sure you create a CalCareers account and include your SSN in the Contact Information section.
CalCareers is the online job search platform administered by California Human Resources Department (CalHR) where you will conduct your job search once you’ve been certified. If you do not have a CalCareers account you visit DOR, your LEAP certification may be delayed.
The DOR counselor will review your documentation and certify you by adding your information into CalHR’s database and your LEAP status will be linked to your CalCareers account.
Next Steps
Having been certified, you will be ready to conduct your job search for positions with State of California. You will follow the same sequence of steps that candidates who use the regular hiring process utilize:
- Take self-evaluations (also known as exams) for state classifications for which you qualify
- Target specific vacancies
- Apply for vacancies using your CalCareers account in accordance with the directions in the individual job posting that interests you
NOTE: Hiring managers who receive your application will be unaware that you are a person with a disability unless/until you are hired. Once hired you will be evaluated by means of a job evaluation period (JEP), an on-the-job performance evaluation. Your job performance will be reviewed in writing at least twice during the evaluation period. If performance standards are met, you will attain civil service status. (The appointment could be permanent or limited term as specified in the job bulletin for the particular position)
NOTE: LEAP candidates hired on or after July 1, 2016 do not serve a probation period.
Proof of Disability
Verification of disability sufficient to determine that the LEAP eligibility criteria has been met can include any of the following:
- Medical records
- Diagnosis on a medical doctor’s letterheads
- Education records that document a learning disability
- A recent letter from Social Security Administration (SSA) the notes the award or continuation of SSI (Supplemental Security Income) or SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) benefits based on your medical condition
Obvious impairments (such as a missing limb) will automatically qualify you under FEHA criteria.
Have Questions?
For questions about the LEAP certification process:
By Email: Workforce.Development@dor.ca.gov
By Phone / Voice: 1-916-558-5423
For questions about Exams (self-evaluations) and job application process:
By Email: LEAP@CalHR.ca.gov
By Phone / Voice: 1-866-844-8671